Artist of Hope Exhibition Catalogue


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Discover how Evelyn De Morgan’s paintings of hope have had an enduring relevance in the 21st century in the De Morgan Foundation’s latest publication ‘Artist of Hope’. This book supports the eponymous exhibition at Towneley Hall in Burnley which invited local community groups to reflect on the Covid-19 pandemic and how, above all else, they held onto hope for better days ahead throughout the lockdowns.

With full-colour illustrations of 11 paintings from the exhibition and accompanying essays by Sarah Hardy, De Morgan Curator, Richenda Roberts, an Art Historian specialising in art and war, and Alison Cooper, Assistant Curator at Towneley Hall, this book is perfect for exhibition visitors, or those hoping to learn more from afar.


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Discover how Evelyn De Morgan’s paintings of hope have had an enduring relevance in the 21st century in the De Morgan Foundation’s latest publication ‘Artist of Hope’. This book supports the eponymous exhibition at Towneley Hall in Burnley which invited local community groups to reflect on the Covid-19 pandemic and how, above all else, they held onto hope for better days ahead throughout the lockdowns. Their responses are displayed alongside paintings by Evelyn De Morgan which were painted in response to the biggest global evil in her own time, the First World War.

The exhibition was produced in collaboration with Syrian refugees and Second World War Veterans who shared their stories of the front line. Their frank honesty and shocking stories help us to connect with De Morgan’s symbolic pictures. NHS staff and Young Carers responded to paintings with rainbows and reflected on their hopes for better days ahead.

With full-colour illustrations of 11 paintings from the exhibition and accompanying essays by Sarah Hardy, De Morgan Curator, Richenda Roberts, an Art Historian specialising in art and war, and Alison Cooper, Assistant Curator at Towneley Hall, this book is perfect for exhibition visitors, or those hoping to learn more from afar.