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Love’s Passing

This painting is an allegory for the passing of time and the life cycle. The lovers in the foreground sit listening to the piping angel, with wonderful outstretched red wings. The male figures seems entranced, but the woman is distracted. The book open before them holds the key to her distress as it...

24th July 2019|

Study from a Flemish Tapestry entitled ‘The Redemption of Man’

The study is based on a segment of a Flemish tapestry of the 16th Century entitled 'The Redemption of Man' (other names: The Seven Deadly Sins or Conflict of Virtues and Vice), which is located at Hampton Court Palace. In the study, Homo, accompanied by Luxuria, is assailed by Justitia with her sword. Justitia is held and restrained by Misericordia. Whilst the foreground figures and landscape are based on the tapestry the background of hills and trees has been altered significantly from the tapestry. The tapestry is believed to have been purchased by Cardinal Wolsey in 1522 and was one of a set which comprised nine pieces (six wall hangings and three window pieces). The 1522-23 inventory of Wolsey's goods suggests they were hung in Wolsey's chamber, the 'legates chamber', for which they were probably made given their unusual dimensions. However, during the 19th and 20th Centuries they are recorded as being located in the Great Watching Chamber. Royal Collections Trust inventory no: RCIN 1271.1. The gardens and state apartments at Hampton Court were opened to the public free of charge by Queen Victoria in 1838 and it is therefore very likely that Evelyn saw the tapestry in situ. Thanks to Calista Aston of the University of Auckland, New Zealand for her research to find the attribution of the study.

29th July 2019|