Artworks on Loan
The De Morgan Foundation frequently lends paintings from our collection on a short-term basis to exhibitions around the world. Here are some of the current and past loans we have made.
Past Loans

until 30 June 2024
Location: Museo Civico San Domenico Forlì, Italy
Loans from the De Morgan Foundation including Evelyn De Morgan’s ‘Ariadne at Naxos’ (pictured) and William De Morgan’s Cantagalli Vase are included in one of the largest international exhibitions focusing on Pre-Raphaelite art.

Dreams and Stories
until 27th February 2023
Location: Watts Gallery – Artists’ Village, Surrey, GU3 1DQ
Evelyn De Morgan’s ‘Queen Eleanor and Fair Rosamund’ (pictured) and ‘Evening Star Over the Sea’ are displayed alongside other works by ‘second-generation Pre-Raphaelites’. The exhibition looks at Spiritualism and war; themes that artists regularly responded to.

The Legend of King Arthur
4th February – 3rd June 2023
Location: Tullie House, Carlise, CA3 8TP
Evelyn De Morgan’s ‘The Love Potion’ (1904) will be seen alongside Pre-Raphaelite pictures which demonstrate the artists’ love of myth and legend relating to King Arthur.
Ulysses: Art and Myth
Musei San Domenico, Forli, Italy
Until 31 October 2020
The Little Sea Maid by Evelyn De Morgan joins other paintings of mythical mermaids and monsters encountered by Ulysses in Homer’s epic poem The Odyssesy. The show focuses on how Ulysses story has been interpreted by artists and writers from antiquity to the present day.
The Enchanted Interior
1st – 30th August (weekends only), Guildhall Art Gallery, London
The Gilded Cage, The Love Potion and The Hourglass have all been especially chosen for inclusion in this exhibition which examines how the domestic sphere has been interpreted and reinterpreted as a space for women, since the mid-19th century.

We Capitalists – From Zero to Turbo
Bundeskunsthalle, Bonn, Germany
Until 30 August 2020
Capitalism is far more than simply an economic system. It is a social order that has shaped our thinking, perception and existence for centuries. Approaching the topic from a cultural and historical perspective, the exhibition examines the fundamental characteristics of capitalism – rationalisation, individualisation, accumulation, money and investment – as well as typically capitalist dynamics such as unrestricted growth and creative crises.
Troy: Myth and Reality
21st November 2019 – 8th March 2020 The British Museum, London
The myths and legends surrounding Troy are almost more exciting than the facts, and this exhibition explores how Troy has been understood and interpreted through stories, artworks and archeology over the centuries. Evelyn De Morgan was inspired by classical literature and her paintings Helen of Troy and Cassandra are wonderful additions to this show. They are a rare example of artwork which centred on the female characters in the story.
Pre-Raphaelite Sisters
17th Oct. 2019 – 26th Jan. 2020
Location: National Portrait Gallery, London
Evelyn De Morgan’s beautiful pictures The Dryad, Night and Sleep and Queen Eleanor and Fair Rosamund from the De Morgan Collection were on display alongside other paintings by and stories of women associated with Pre-Raphaelitism.

The Rise of Islamic Art
12th July – 7th October 2019
Location: Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Lisbon, Portugal
William De Morgan’s Fish and Saz Leaf Bowl and Prunus Tile Panel are on display alongside original examples of the Islamic Art which inspired him.