Buckler’s Hard Maritime Museum

Buckler’s Hard Maritime Museum, Hampshire

Buckler’s Hard

S042 7XB

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Opening information

Daily 10am to 5pm. You must book a ticket by clicking the link below.


William De Morgan worked with P&O from 1882 – 1900 to design opulent tile schemes for the luxury public rooms of their ocean liners. Imagining where the ships might sail to, his designs are often based on Middle Eastern designs for which he was famous. On 30th December 1915, 343 passengers and crew of the P&O ship s.s. Persia were killed when the ship was torpedoed by a German U-Boat. This tragedy has been commemorated at Buckler’s Hard with a special display in the Maritime Museum, and the De Morgan Foundation proudly lend a De Morgan tile designed for this ship to the display.

    Arabia Tile

    9 inch tile with a primrose with three yellow flowers and symetrical leaves in a blue and manganes floral cartouche. Flower on an engobe ground. The tile was originally designed for use on the P&O ship s.s.Arabia. De Morgan Sands End Fulham Pottery Impressed Mark, reverse (k).

    By |17th August 2019|0 Comments


    We rely on your generous support to care for and display this wonderful collection
