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Explore the captivating artistic journey of William De Morgan and his profound inspiration drawn from the world of Islamic art

Join us for an online lecture which explores the impact of Islamic art and design on William De Morgan’s ceramics. We will delve into the life and creative influences of the renowned Arts and Crafts movement artist, William De Morgan. Discover how De Morgan’s artistic path was directed by the beauty and intricacy of Islamic art, from his interest in geometric patterns inspired by his mathematician father, to his commission to work with Lord Leighton’s Damascene tiles.

Floral arabesques and a cool blue colour palette are at the core of Islamic ceramic design, which has its origins 7th century with the rise of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula. De Morgan was captivated by the examples he saw in London museums in the 19th century and continued the traditional of handmade ceramics with colours and motifs inspired by the Islamic art he admired.

Lecture delivered online, over zoom.

Please donate what you can to attend. All proceeds go directly to supporting the De Morgan Foundation.