What We Do
The De Morgan Foundation’s collection of artwork and associated materials was formed on the death of Mrs Stirling at her bequest. The organisation was formally registered as Charity No. 310004 in 1970. The aims of the charity are as follows:
- To care for the De Morgan Collection and provide public access to it
- To provide information about and interpretation of the Collection on many levels, and to promote the appreciation of art and education in art and allied subjects
The Foundation offers the widest possible access to the Collection to the public via strategic partnerships with complementary organisations across the country, through a series of loans and temporary exhibitions.
It also provides an online, searchable database of the collection and images of the artworks themselves, as well as information about the collection and the life and work of the De Morgans.
The Foundation also runs educational programmes, activities, talks and events, to encourage exploration, understanding, appreciation of and insight into the Collection.
Further information regarding the charity, its legal obligations, financial overview and latest accounts can be found on the Charity Commission Website
A copy of our charitable scheme can be downloaded here.
The Board is guided by the Charity Commission’s Guidelines for Trustees and the Museum Association’s Code of Ethics.