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Compositional study of male and female figures for ‘The Search-Light’

This is a compositional study for an oil painting which was exhibited in the Red Cross Exhibition in 1916. The painting was described in that catalogue as follows: ‘Wielded by an Angel the search-light reveals the diabolical source of all the ruin and devastation portrayed in this picture. In 'The Search-Light' the forces of good and evil directly confront one another. Here the forces of evil, portrayed as a satanic figure with bat like wings, hovers over a desolate landscape in which figures take refuge in ruined buildings, symbolic of the collapse of civilization. Opposing this diabolical force is a winged angel, representing hope and salvation, who illuminates the landscape with a search light which repels the infernal forces. In the final painting the same redemptive angel also casts a rainbow over the landscape signifying hope for the future. Images representing the struggle between the forces of light and darkness are found repeatedly in Evelyn’s work and spiritualist writings.

29th July 2019|